Keynote lecture 2
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IPTV – Now and Next
Marie-José Montpetit
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
This keynote address wants to establish the current status of IPTV and define how it will evolve with the new ubiquity of Internet video and Smartphones with web access. In particular, the discussion centers on how IPTV will move across device boundaries and include features now associated with over the top offerings and social networks.
Dr. Marie-Jose Montpetit is an internationally recognized video, wireless and IP networks systems innovator with over 15 years experience in architecture, embedded systems and mobile and wireline technologies. She is currently an invited scientist at MIT's Research Lab in Electronics working in network coding as it applies to the future of IP-based television over wireline and wireless networks. She is also a collaborator with the Communications Futures Program on Social TV as well as a lecturer on the same topic at MIT Media Lab. Her cross-platform IPTV project won the Motorola Innovation Award in 2007. She has also contributed to TISPAN , ATIS IIF and IETF in IPTV and DVB related topics. Dr Montpetit lives in Boston MA with her daughter Mathilde.
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Organized by: University of Zagreb - FER, IEEE Communication Society Croatia Chapter